Home Home + Living 5 Fun Online Activities For Home
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5 Fun Online Activities For Home


Next time you are sitting at home and have internet access but nothing on the to do list we recommend considering some of these online ways to have fun.


Pull up a seat and open up Google and Wikipedia on your favorite topic. Whether that means you want to learn about something new such as where whales swim during winter or why bears hibernate, even what rocket science is all about, it is exciting to learn. Perhaps pull up a Google Doc or your text pad and take some notes so you will have some interesting conversation points next time you are with your group of friends.

Get Social

Sometimes the most fun and healing thing to do online is to just reconnect with your friends and family or make new acquaintances.  Sharing pictures, videos, your favorite links and more is a way to show others your personality and find areas in other people’s lives where you can fit in well.

Trace Your Ancestors

Ever wonder who your grand mothers grand fathers cousin was? Any combination you are interested in finding there are many online resources which have centuries of information you can go through to find something interesting and know more about where you really come from.

Play Games

Hop up on some popular sites like Yahoo Games or perhaps try to win yourself some money playing bingo on sites like www.cheekybingo.com or on online poker sites.

Explore Music and Videos

Online music discovery websites like Pandora allow you to find your new favorite song just by putting in the name of the artist or band that you are interested in listening to. If you want to take it to the next level, go on Youtube to watch the music videos of your favorite old and current songs. Perhaps even mix listening your favorite bands with our first idea of learning and pull up information about them on Wikipedia or on other online resources via our favorite search engine Google.

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