Home College Life 6 Books Every College Student Should Read in 2024
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6 Books Every College Student Should Read in 2024

6 Books Every College Student Should Read

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, making it more important than ever to stay grounded—so here are 6 Books Every College Student Should Read in 2024. Since the Industrial Revolution, the speed of progress has been nothing short of breakneck.

Our fathers lived vastly different lives than we do, and their fathers even more so. It’s crazy how far we’ve come!

But in such an ever-changing world, there are certain books that act as anchors—anchors that let you hold onto something meaningful, preventing you from being swept away by the tides of change.

These 6 books will guide you through every aspect of your life, just like they’ve done for me. Let’s dive in!

6 Books Every College Student Should Read

12 Rules for Life

The disdain I have for Jordan Peterson vanishes the moment I remember this book. While Jordan Peterson might have become a right-wing political figure now, back in his self-help days, he was a rockstar. This book is fantastic for people our age because it teaches you how the adult world works. If you can look past the repeated Christian references, you’ll find a lot of value here.


This is a classic book written by a man who once ruled the world during the time of Pax Romana. If you take this book to heart, you’ll literally change your life in just a few months. Not even kidding!

Waking Up by Sam Harris

This book is an eye-opener. It’s not just about meditation; it’s about waking up to the reality of your existence. Harris guides you through the intricacies of the mind, helping you see the world with clarity and purpose.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Nietzsche’s masterpiece is not just a book; it’s a philosophy. If you’re looking for something that will challenge your beliefs and push you to think deeply about your place in the world, this is it.

The Denial of Death 

This is a deep dive into the human psyche, exploring our existential dread and the ways we cope with the reality of mortality. It’s not a light read, but it’s incredibly thought-provoking and will make you rethink the way you approach life and its inevitable end. Perfect for anyone looking to confront their fears head-on.

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

Taleb’s book is all about thriving in chaos. It teaches you how to build resilience and embrace uncertainty in a world that’s constantly changing.

In a way, it’s like a modern guide to life, offering practical wisdom that’s particularly relevant for college students preparing to face an unpredictable future.

So there you the 6 Books Every College Student Should Read, we hope you got something of value from the books I have recommended!

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