Home College Life Side Quests You Should Definitely Do in College
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Side Quests You Should Definitely Do in College

Side quests in college

College isn’t just about attending classes and pulling all-nighters for exams. It’s also filled with exciting side quests—those fun, rewarding experiences outside the classroom that help shape who you are.

Let’s dive into some of the best side quests you should tackle during your college years!

Join a Club or Start One

Every campus has a ton of student clubs, ranging from quirky interests like board games to causes like environmental activism. Joining one introduces you to people who share your interests and helps expand your social circle. Can’t find the right club? Start your own!

Not only will you meet new people, but you’ll also build leadership skills and maybe even leave a lasting legacy after you graduate. So, go ahead and explore the side quests in college that make you step outside your comfort zone!

Take an Unexpected Class

Sure, your major is important, but one of the best things about college is the chance to explore courses that you never knew would interest you. Whether it’s photography, medieval literature, or intro to astronomy, taking an unexpected class adds some flavor to your schedule.

You might even discover a hidden passion or gain some fascinating (if random) knowledge. Plus, it’s a perfect way to break up the monotony of required courses. This is one of those side quests in college that adds excitement to your routine.

Attend Campus Events

Campus life is packed with events—guest lectures, concerts, career fairs, and more. While these events are often a fun break from studying, they also offer opportunities to learn, meet interesting people, and sometimes even eat free food!

You never know when a guest lecture might spark a new career idea or when a casual conversation could lead to a meaningful connection. These events are prime side quests in college that often have surprising rewards.

Network Like a Pro

Networking isn’t just for business majors—it’s something every college student should do! Building connections with professors, classmates, and alumni can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and lifelong friendships.

Don’t shy away from networking events, and strike up conversations in class. These relationships can become some of the most valuable things you take away from your college experience.

Go on an Adventure

Whether it’s a weekend road trip or a semester abroad, adventure is a crucial part of the college experience. Exploring new places, trying new things, and stepping out of your comfort zone can help you grow in ways you never imagined.

Adventures, whether big or small, are some of the most life-shaping side quests in college you’ll ever go on. So, take that leap!

In the midst of studying and stressing over finals, don’t forget to embrace the little adventures along the way.

These side quests are what make college not just about education but about exploration, growth, and unforgettable memories.

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