Home Home + Living Different Minor Upgrades To Make Before the Holidays
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Different Minor Upgrades To Make Before the Holidays

minor upgrades

We know there’s only so much we can fit into our to-do list before having friends and relatives over for the holidays. As we prepare to clean and prep our meals, we sometimes neglect essential areas to focus on, such as making upgrades to furniture or kitchen appliances. Here’s a quick guide on the different minor upgrades to make before the holidays.

Make Small Improvements To the Kitchen

Ranging from improving the look of your kitchen island or even replacing old appliances for new, small upgrades like this can help enhance the experience in the kitchen. One thing you may consider adding is a new sink—ditch the single vanity for double. The more room you have to store dirty dishes, the easier clean up becomes.

Update the Bathrooms for Guests

Sometimes, we have a guest or two that insist on staying over. However, we run into situations like not having the extra space for their privacy and not carrying the necessities they may need. So, aside from encouraging guests to bring their items, consider stocking up, so they don’t have to make last-minute runs to the store on their way to your home. Additionally, add in new flooring to give the bathroom a fresh look.

Improve Your Home’s Scent

As we get into the holiday spirit, we might run into problem areas that affect the overall smell of our home. To avoid funky odors and scents, consider adding candles around the house to help each room smell better. Also, during the day, spray an air freshener on the furniture and around the room to combat bad smells.

Add In Extra Storage

As the holidays approach, we can feel overwhelmed by the mountains of items we’ve collected over the years. Instead of piling things in a closet and forgetting about it until spring, go out to the store and purchase cubbies to help organize small items like shoes and hats. Also, add additional space into closets. Having extra storage can help a home feel balanced, and guests have room to hang their coats.

These different minor upgrades to make before the holidays will amp up the experience of your home and even make life feel balanced. Aside from making these small changes, consider other things to upgrade, such as starting a family tradition where others bring different desserts, and the winning dessert wins a prize. Small things like these help improve the quality of the holidays, and can even bring family and friends closer.

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