Home Tips + Advice Five Natural Tips to Protect Your Trees
Tips + Advice

Five Natural Tips to Protect Your Trees

illawara Flame TreeWith a chill in the air and warm summer temperatures far behind us, it’s time to start planning for the coming of winter. You may be thinking of planning ahead for holiday parties and family gatherings, but have you thought about ways to protect your plants, trees and shrubs through the cold winter months? Below are some tips for keeping your trees healthy through the winter so you can enjoy them again this springtime.

1. Provide water. During the winter, the air dries out, the wind blows, and freezing temperatures can cause your plants, trees and shrubs to dry out in the hard ground. Don’t let your trees and bushes become victims of dehydration! Make sure you continue to water your trees until the ground freezes and they can no longer absorb water.

2. Spray the leaves. Did you know that if you spray an anti-desiccant on the leaves of your trees, it will keep the moisture from escaping in the cold weather months? An anti-desiccant is a waxy coating that will help your trees and plants keep moisture in, rather than becoming dried out in colder conditions.

3. Mulch the ground. Providing a layer of mulch at the base of your trees and shrubs is like adding an extra layer of insulation by keeping the ground warmer and even preventing roots from bursting through dry soil. Create a layer of dry leaves about three or four inches thick around each bush. You may even want to put some small twigs or branches on top to keep the leaves from blowing away in blustery conditions.

4. Wrap the trunks. Protect the bark on your trees from cold weather conditions, as well as hungry animals searching for food, by wrapping the trunks in a layer of burlap.

Front yard garden with Crape myrtle bush5. Create a temporary shelter. If your plants, shrubs and trees are located in windy areas or those susceptible to snow and ice, you may want to create a temporary shelter for them using burlap and wooden stakes. Making a barrier from snow build-up and ice will help preserve your trees while still allowing them to get sunlight. You can always brush excess snow off branches with a broom, too.

If you find physically or time wise that you are not able to fully take advantage of these tree protecting tips, consider asking someone you know to help or contacting a local lawn care service. You can also search lawn care services Atlanta online, for helpful information and tips.

Plants, trees and other landscaping elements are an investment. If you love your yard, and have cared for your plants and trees throughout the warmer months, taking these simple preventive steps can go a long way in preserving your investment, and nature at the same time, so you can enjoy them again when springtime returns.

More than 12 years as a news reporter, Nicole Bailey-Covin has had the opportunity to gain a wealth of knowledge covering a variety of stories including consumer tips. With her side hobby of natural photography, the Atlanta resident takes special interest in the fall foliage of trees, colorful spring blooms and of course breathtaking landscapes. Nicole has researched the lawn care services Atlanta has to offer and suggest that home owners take time to find out what they need to do to protect their lawn’s beauty.

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