Home Home + Living Gardening Spotlight: The Many Advantages Of Haxnicks Eco-Green Micromesh
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Gardening Spotlight: The Many Advantages Of Haxnicks Eco-Green Micromesh

In an ideal world plants would grow, bear fruits and flowers, and remain like that forever. You would just water them and every time you looked at the garden outside, you would marvel at your ability to give life to beauty. However, unfortunately, it is not the ideal world that we are living in. In our world flowers and fruits often need hard-work and, to double the disappointment, they need constant attention and protection from pests and weather.

A passionate gardener knows that there is hardly anything worse than watching the fruits of your persistence and hard-work become the feast of fleas and other insects. That is the reason why so many gardeners count upon the Eco-Green Micromesh from Haxnicks.

Gardening Spotlight: The Many Advantages Of Haxnicks Eco-Green Micromesh

What is Eco-Green Micromesh?

It is one of the most trusted gardening items that offers protection to plants and crops. Made of super-fine mesh, that is only 0.6mm in size, this type of mesh allows air and water while prevents the insects from destroying the produce. Due to its ultra-fine quality, it is also able to put up an effective barrier against the small flies and fleas.

The Various Advantages of Eco-Green Micromesh

As mentioned before, the most obvious and the primary use of the Eco-Green Micromesh is to protect your plants from insects. However, when used creatively and effectively it can be a gardener’s best friend. The very nature of the mesh quality enhances its utility manifold. Some of the benefits of Haxnicks Eco-Green Micromesh are as follows:

  • Great air circulation: Air and moisture are the two basic ingredients for any plant. The mesh, although very fine in nature, allows air and moisturiser to pass through. This helps in maintaining the air-water balance and keeps the plants well nourished.
  • Easy to use: The mesh is very convenient to use. When used over plants, there is no need to remove it while watering the plants or giving them liquid feed. These can pass right through the mesh and provide your plants the nourishment they need while keeping them protected.
  • Year-round use: The mesh can be used through the changing seasons. Use it during the summers to keep the white butterflies and the green caterpillars away. During winters use it over cabbage, broccoli, and strawberries to keep the birds at bay. You can even use it to cover seed trays and beds.
  • Soft tint: The Haxnicks Eco-Green Micromesh has a soothing green colour that blends in well with the surrounding of any garden. This means, while these protect your plants, they do not stick out as a sore thumb or impact the garden aesthetics negatively.
  • Cut to sizes: This garden mesh is easy to cut to smaller sizes. Depending upon your needs you can easily cut the mesh out to suit the size of the garden bed.
  • Use it in a growing tunnel: This lets you prolong the growing season apart from protecting your plants from the threats of both weather and pests.

You can secure the Haxnicks Eco-Green Micromesh easily with fabric pegs. Both are available at the Mega Trade Store. For more on gardening, check out HGTV.

Lee Elwell works for Megatradestore. He is known for his knowledge in the field of commercial building equipment. You can add him on Google Plus. Please add him to your circles.

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