Home Food + Drink Perdomo Cigars: Intricate and Sophisticated Cigar Creation
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Perdomo Cigars: Intricate and Sophisticated Cigar Creation

There are many different types of cigars sold in the market, but only a few can live up to the quality and flavor produced by Perdomo Cigars. The Perdomo cigar is considered as a third generation legacy that is traced back to a man named Silvio Perdomo, who lived in San Jose de las Lajas in Cuba. Silvio was a known cigar roller for many different companies until he was imprisoned during the Cuban revolution in the year 1959. Silvio was able to experience harsh conditions when he was imprisoned. Aside from this, he was also recognized as an enemy of Fidel Castro and was kept captive at the La Cabana and as well as four other facilities for twelve years. In 1974, Silvio was allowed to migrate to the U.S. Silvio was able to have a son named Nick Sr. who was also very good in cigar rolling. The Perdomo family lived a very difficult life even when they entered the United States. Nonetheless, the family decided to move to Miami in the year 1976.

Perdomo Cigars: Intricate and Sophisticated Cigar Creation

The Start of Nick’s Cigar Company

The son of Nick Sr., Nick Perdomo Jr., was very determined in following the footsteps of his grandfather. Because of this, Nick Jr. decided to create a home-based business after he finished his experience at the United States Navy. At that time, Nick Jr. worked as a traffic controller. However, every night, he and his wife would work on their home-business creating the Perdomo cigar. By August of 1992, the brand called Tobacalera Perdomo was born. This cigar-producing company is now known as the Nick Cigar Company.

The Perdomo manufacturing company has a facility that measures 88,000 square feet. This is considered as the seond largest cigar-producing company in the entire Esteli, Nicaragua. This facility is also known as the “El Monstro” or “The Monster”. As of now, Nick Perdomo Jr. acts as the President of the company. He is now grooming his son to become the heir of this huge and magnificent cigar company. Perdomo cigars are considered to be one of the best in the world when it comes to the flavor and also the price. One of the reasons why Nick Jr. wants to keep the price lowered despite the increasing tax on tobacco is because he wants all lovers of cigars to afford the product. Aside from this, he also made sure that the quality of the cigars will always remain the same.

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