Home Tips + Advice What Are Your Rights When The Surgery Goes Wrong?
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What Are Your Rights When The Surgery Goes Wrong?


According to researchers at Johns Hopkins, more than 4,000 surgical mishaps occur each year. As a consequence the numbers of judgments and malpractice claims have risen. In 2 recent cases of medical malpractice in Maryland, patients were awarded between $21 million and $55 million for their injuries.

Medical malpractice is a surgeon’s failure to administer the right treatment and care to a patient. As a result of the doctor’s negligence, the patient can be hurt, permanently injured, or killed. Errors or complications can also occur when a surgeon is improperly prepared or inexperienced.

Negligence can include surgical instruments left inside the patient, operating on the wrong extremity, failure to perform the surgery, and postoperative infections. These are entirely preventable calamities, but every day hundreds of unsuspecting patients place their lives in the hands of surgeons who don’t or won’t take the time to avoid making these costly mistakes.

Seeking Legal HelpATTORNEY

If you or a loved one have suffered an injury or fatality because of a surgeon’s neglectful actions, you need the help of a professional. If you live in the state of Maryland, visit http://medicalmalpractice.maryland-injury-lawyer.com to find the legal help you need. A medical malpractice attorney will have the knowledge and experience to assess your case.

If there are other parties involved in the wrongdoing, your attorney can implement a plan to seek redress from them as well.

Finding A Surgeon

There are a number of things that you can do to avoid a medical malpractice injury and ensure your own safety. Advocate for and protect your health by doing your own investigative research. Use the phone and surf the Internet. Ask your friends or family members for recommendations. Testimonials about firsthand experience can be invaluable safeguards. You have the right and responsibility to seek out and hire a reputable surgeon whom you can learn to trust.

Building A Relationship

When you’ve narrowed down your search, arrange to meet your top candidates in person. Survey their offices, and observe their staffs. A well-appointed office and lots of plaques on the walls may be impressive, but these accoutrements do not make him or her a top-rated surgeon. Try to get a feel for the doctor’s personality and work ethics. The Internet is full of websites with pertinent information about a physician’s patients, licensing, credentials, and medical malpractice statistics.

A surgeon takes an oath to serve every patient and give each one the highest level of care possible. Anything below this professional and ethical standard is unacceptable behavior and should not be tolerated.

Writer LaGeris Underwood Bell is a staunch proponent of health care advocacy. She urges readers to avail themselves of the information and resources they need to protect themselves from irresponsible health care providers.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nagpurrotary/6666026831/



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