Leave it up to a great place like Singapore to turn something so basic like having coffee into a wonderful experience where you can connect with like minded business individuals as they embark on their journeys around the world. Recently they built a very custom coffee machine that also asks for your name and told you how many people had just been connected over coffee. You have to see this coffee machine to believe it, there is quite a bit of pizaz and it is quite sizable. No boring little hotel room coffee markers here, this thing is taller than you and has some items that look like it is straight from a science fair.
So how did this whole thing work? Basically it made you find a friend and both enter your names before it would give you a coffee. You even had to put in some of your interests and other items which made it become very social and it was fun to watch. They merged “technology, marketing, and engineering” as one fellow says int he video. I really enjoy watching this thing in action and I think that you will like it too so you definitely have to check it out. They were able to connect hundreds of travelers at this one conference and keep some good vibes going on! Where was our invite is all I ask!
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