

All-inclusive Holiday in Playa Blanca: A short Guide

    Situated on the southern tip of the island of Lanzarote, the resort of Playa Blanca is ideal for those looking for...


A How to Guide for Buying Business Transport

This article discusses the various points to consider when buying a vehicle for business purposes.


Why Edinburgh Is A Perfect Place For A Wedding

There are many places in the world that aren’t ideal for weddings: Las Vegas – Come on what could be worse? Prison –...


Smartphone Apps for Navigating Theme Parks, Zoos and Conventions

The way in which individuals navigate and obtain directions has evolved drastically since the advent of the smart phone and personal navigation devices....


America’s Best Marching Bands

Photo used under the Creative Commons license courtesy of UWMadArchives ( Personally, these shows represent my favorite part of a football game, apart...


X Marks the Spot – Five Destinations for a Treasure Hunt

In case you’ve somehow missed it, 2012 commemorates the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic. On 14th April 1912 the allegedly unsinkable...


Get Your Motor Running

Leaving Napa on a sunny and warm Sunday morning meant it was time to put the top down, the shades up and the...


A Doctor's Volunteering Experience in Sub-Sahara Africa

After intense deliberation, I finally settled on Africa as the destination for my medical elective. The choice was widely influenced by the passion...


The Growth of Deep Sea Tourism.

Brace yourself…this particular type of tourism does not come cheap. Deep sea voyages are adventure tourism reserved for those wealthy and eager enough...


How to Find & Book a Cheap Holiday Abroad; Bargain Hunting

The holiday season has rolled round once again and we find ourselves caught up with the excitement of planning a trip, and the...


4 Gorgeous Beaches To Visit Before You Die

From desolate white sand being gently licked by crystal clear water, to foreboding waves crashing menacingly against a jagged shoreline of cliffs, the...


Top 3 Secrets to Cheaper Flights

Travel companies don’t always like to give you the best deal going. If you don’t know how to get a good deal you...