Home Featured Pokeman Go Plus – Expand Your Poke Senses

Pokeman Go Plus – Expand Your Poke Senses

Check out the new wearable tech as a game-changing addition to your Pokemon Go experience. The Pokemon Go Plus is a standalone peripheral that attaches to an included wristband that fits like a bracelet and almost looks like a watch. You can also hook it up to your clothing with the included lapel.

It connects to your smartphone through Bluetooth and allows you to enjoy Pokemon Go without even taking your phone out. The Pokemon Go Plus will blink and vibrate to alert you when a Poke Stop is near. The center button on the device will allow you to interact with the Poke Stop and retrieve items such as Pokemon eggs and Poke Balls. The Pokemon Go Plus will flash and vibrate once more to indicate that the items have be retrieved. A flash alone will indicate that a Pokemon is nearby. When the Pokemon is close enough, the center button will throw a Poke Ball to catch it. The device will vibrate and flash once the Pokemon is caught.

Unfortunately, the Poke Ball feature is only available for Pokemon that you’ve already caught so you won’t be able to add new Pokemon to your Pokedex unless you pull out your mobile device. Pokemon Go Plus was scheduled to be released in July but has be pushed back to September. Due to the popularity of Pokemon Go, this item priced at $34.99 is sure to sell as soon as it hits shelves. The only confirmed retailer is GameStop and they have already sold out of pre-orders.

pokemon go plus

There are currently resellers on Ebay that are reselling the Pokemon Go Plus pre-orders for three times the price. If you want to get your hands on this cool new accessory, you’ll either have be patient and keep searching or be prepared to spend more than expected.

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