Home Tips + Advice Public Transportation: The Importance of Personal Safety
Tips + Advice

Public Transportation: The Importance of Personal Safety

20070818Whether you are waiting for a city or school bus, it is always vital to take steps to ensure the safety of yourself and everyone around you. Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to reduce your risk of being involved in a traffic accident as a pedestrian.

Four Tips for Staying Safe at the Bus Stop

1. Keep a Safe Distance – Many people stand right next to the curb while they are waiting for a bus, but this is one of the worst things to do if you want to remain safe. Instead, you should stay as far back as possible until you see the bus approaching. This will help you prevent being hit by a driver who temporarily loses control of their vehicle.

2. Pay Attention – If you are sitting at the bus stop with your eyes on your smartphone or listening to loud music, you will not be able to react quickly enough if a dangerous situation occurs. Therefore, it is always best to keep your eyes on the road and your ears open for the sounds of squealing tires and emergency vehicles.

3. Wear Bright Colors – It is always a good idea to make yourself as visible as possible to motorists, and this will become absolutely crucial if you will be waiting for a bus after dark. Even if you are not able to wear bright clothing, you should consider wearing a hat that is easily noticeable or holding an item that will make you stand out in poorly lit conditions.
Bus Crashes Into Tree, Car Crashes Into House

4. Be Cognizant of Weather Conditions – As miserable as it might be to stand at a bus stop in the rain or snow, it is still imperative to retain a safe distance between yourself and the curb. Additionally, it is important to recognize the fact that bad weather conditions will make motorists more likely to lose control of their vehicle, and this could end up putting your life in danger.

If someone does hit you while you are waiting for a bus, you will need to seek medical attention immediately to ensure that you have not suffered any serious injuries. You should also consider filing a lawsuit if you incur a lot of medical expenses. After all, the responsible party should take care of your medical bills, and an accident attorney can help you prepare a successful case.

Giovanna O’Neal is a Eco-friendly blogger who enjoys making people aware of important safety tactics. She researched Steinger, Iscoe & Greene for information on their experience litigating car accidents.

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