Home Family and Personal Keeping Your Sense of Humor is Essential to Being a Mom
Family and Personal

Keeping Your Sense of Humor is Essential to Being a Mom

PregnancyMotherhood is a very special word but can mean many different things. The dictionary will tell you that it means “a state of being a mother.” So, what does that really mean? A mother is not only a protector and disciplinarian, but also a friend. She is selfless in all that she does, a loving person who must sacrifice many of her wants and needs for those of her children. She strives to be sure that her children will be equipped with the skills and abilities to be able to one day make it in today’s world on their own. Being a mother is perhaps the hardest, most rewarding job a woman will ever experience.

So, where is the humor in Motherhood? According to Nicole Leigh Shaw, a mother of four, it’s something any full-time mother must have. As a stay-at-home mom, blogger and professional humorist, I think she would know. She not only contributes full time to a blog for fun and pay, but also contributes some of her writing to a Nickelodeon site. She has published a short story in a humorous book of short essays with 37 other humorous blogger moms. With her motto being “All of my kids are still breathing. Award, please,” one might be able to see her point of view. Though she is a busy full-time mother and contributing author, she counters her hectic lifestyle with “Motherhood is the best calling I’ve ever had.” In my opinion, Nicole Shaw is not just busy, but must be one organized and devoted mom. I would give her a Mother-of-the-Year award!

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