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Things To Consider Before Choosing a Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalist Lifestyle

A common theme for recent events is lifestyle changes. For some, this shift in living meant relocation, new career paths, and downsizing. Many people saw opportunities to look at their lives with a fresh perspective and begin tweaking the mundane in exchange for something more fulfilling. If this sounds like you, here are some things to consider before choosing a minimalist lifestyle.

The Elimination Process

One of the most challenging processes is eliminating your belongings. We innately attach emotional value to specific things, thus making it increasingly more difficult to declutter. It is essential to identify what serves us versus hinders us.

There is a direct correlation between our home environment and our mental environment. So, while it’s tricky to navigate through your possessions, keeping only the things that add value to your life will help you declutter—mentally and physically.

Invest in Reusables

After you’ve eliminated what no longer serves you, it will feel as if you own nothing. This feeling typically fills us with many mixed emotions. One big thing to consider before choosing a minimalist lifestyle is investing in new-to-you items that are purposeful.

When we think of reusables, think bigger picture. Swapping plastic bottles and containers for glass, filtered water systems to deter from the stacking of water cases, and refurbished furniture. Investing our money and energy into items that last through time ensures we maintain our waste.

Quality, Not Quantity

A misconception of minimalism is that you will never go shopping. Instead of shopping for fun, you become intentional with your time and money and invest in quality over quantity. A great place to begin pouring some thought is buying reclaimed wood furniture.

From style to durability and everything in between, your minimalist space will undergo a total transformation. In buying reclaimed wood for your newly minimal space, you decrease the demand for new lumber. When fewer trees get cut down every year, you support a healthy ecosystem.

Minimalist LifestyleAudit, and Then Re-Audit

Now that your space is clutter-free and all that is left are the things that add significant value, the minimalist upkeep is relatively simple. That does not mean you will never clean again either. To effectively maintain this new space and without repeating old habits of collecting and clutter, auditing your intake every three to six months will help you better self-manage.

Like the snowball effect, you uncover how much you can toss out once you begin clearing the way. Auditing yourself periodically gets more manageable, and the elimination process becomes the norm rather than the challenge. A few other ideas of auditing to aid in your minimalist lifestyle include:

  • Review spending habits
  • Seasonally shift clothing
  • Limit food waste with mindful eating

The thought of going minimalist crosses everybody’s mind at least once. And when the realization that it is an ongoing process sets in, people tend to shy away and donate a bag or two of old clothes instead. Once you have your mindset on committing, it is crucial to remember why you started. A decluttered home is a clear mind.

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