Home Home + Living Dos and Don’ts of Picking Mobile Home Skirting
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Dos and Don’ts of Picking Mobile Home Skirting

Mobile Home Skirting

Mobile home skirting is a fundamental component of your mobile home. Primarily, skirting works to protect the underside of your home from outside elements. Keeping your pipes safe from wild animals or extreme weather conditions like rain or snow is essential, and your home’s skirting works to keep things in order. When installing or replacing your mobile home skirting, we recommend following this handy guide of dos and don’ts to help the process go smoothly.

Do: Ensure You Get a Proper Kit

One of the most important steps in choosing mobile home skirting is ensuring you get the right kit size for your needs. Take the time to measure the total length and width of your home area where you require skirting. Taking this step helps you figure out what size you need and makes it easier to get estimates on price. After getting your measurements, we recommend putting your home information into an online skirting calculator to get additional information on the correct kit.

Don’t: Neglect Insulation

The primary purpose of your mobile home skirting is to protect the space beneath your mobile home. Foam insulation on the inside of your skirting or proper ventilation fans play a crucial role in regulating temperatures and ensuring the safety of your pipes and the skirting itself. Naturally, this means you don’t want to forget about proper insulation options.

Do: Pick a Material That Best Suits Your Needs

One of the most important things to do when picking mobile home skirting is to browse available options. Mobile home skirting comes in a variety of materials, such as sheet metal, vinyl, and plywood, and each of these options has its pros and cons. Vinyl is a cost-effective option requiring little maintenance but is less visually appealing. Wood offers a lot of customization to match the rest of the home but often wears down faster and requires more maintenance in the long run.

Don’t: Violate Area Guidelines

If you rent or own a mobile home, chances are you live in a community with its own rules and guidelines regarding making renovations on your home. While skirting comes in various options, it’s a good idea to verify what is or isn’t allowed in your community before making any big decisions or purchases. After all, you don’t want to invest in a wooden skirting kit just to find out your area prohibits wood skirting. Don’t ignore these rules—take time to find out what you’re allowed to do.

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