Family and Personal

Family and Personal

Easy Steps to Improving Your Community

It is much easier to do your own thing and stay isolated than to stick your neck out and actually do something to...

ChildrenFamily and PersonalTips + Advice

How to Build Your Child’s College Fund Without Loans

Erika Phyall currently works in community relations for University of Southern California Rossier School of Education’s online master’s programs. USC Rossier Online provides...

Family and PersonalTips + Advice

The Role of Vulnerability and Shame in Wholehearted Living

[youtube] If Brené Brown has taught us anything it is that the path to wholehearted living is not an easy one. It’s...

Family and Personal

How to Make Prom Night Stress Free

If your teenager will be attending prom this year, the odds are high that they will be around alcohol. Even if you do...


5 Best Baby Product Inventions

The list of items your baby needs can seem endless and range from diapers and bottles to swings and bouncers. The following five...

Family and Personal

Multipurpose Baby Gifts for the New Mom

Becoming a new parent is one of the most wonderful experiences that any person can have. While a baby is learning to survive...

Family and Personal

Keeping Your Sense of Humor is Essential to Being a Mom

Motherhood is a very special word but can mean many different things. The dictionary will tell you that it means “a state of...

Family and PersonalHome + LivingHome ImprovementTips + Advice

6 Home Selling Tips 2013

6 Home Selling Tips Good home selling tips include calculating the expenses for your home’s utility costs for the last twelve months and...


5 Life Necessities That Will Secure Your Children

No  matter how full a person’s life is before he or she has children, once  they become parents, their priorities change. You want...

Family and Personal

When Is It Time to Get Life Insurance

Life  insurance is a great way to guarantee your family will be financially secure even if you are no longer capable of providing...

Family and Personal

Financial Choices That Are Leading Your Family Into Debt

We  are living in a now age. The cost of living has increased, but not all employers have taken that into account. Families...

ChildrenCookingFamily and PersonalFood + DrinkHealthHome + LivingTips + Advice

Keep Your Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Longer!

Keep Your Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Longer! Wouldn’t it be nice to visit farmer’s markets daily so nothing would ever go bad just...