Why You Should Be A Landlord Today’s real estate market is an extraordinarily hostile environment for individuals looking to sell their properties at...
ByguestMarch 6, 2012The vacuum cleaner has been around for close to a century and has proved its value time and time again but if we...
ByStaffMarch 6, 2012It’s one of undeniable facts of life that we end up taking care of all those little fix-it and facelift projects right before...
ByguestFebruary 24, 2012Nanonext Fire Protection Wood prevents combustion of wood and wood materials on interior building surfaces. The company originates in the United Kingdom and...
ByguestFebruary 19, 2012In my life before kids, Valentine’s Day meant satiny boxes of truffles, long-stemmed red roses, the skin-flattering glow of candlelight – even the...
ByguestFebruary 12, 2012A curtain wall is the exterior envelope of a high rise residential, office, commercial, government building that serves to “wrap” a buildingand its interior and present an...
ByguestJanuary 29, 2012Many people today are learning about how to build a greenhouse in their backyards. Some are doing it to enjoy gardening for a...
ByguestJanuary 25, 2012Most of the ideas behind current and past kitchen appliances that somehow missed the mark were sound ideas. Often they were just incomplete,...
ByguestJanuary 12, 2012As homeowners, we all want to do our part to reduce energy consumption. And we all want to save money in the process....
ByguestJanuary 11, 2012Whether you’re going away for the holidays or just looking forward to a quick getaway most of us know the basics when it...
ByguestJanuary 5, 2012With growing concerns based around the increase in energy prices and bills, it’s fair to say that a wise move would be to...
ByguestJanuary 4, 2012There’s an abundance of home improvement and DIY television programmes currently airing on the popular networks, with many of them showing the viewer...
ByguestDecember 29, 2011