Mini NES Classic Edition – A Blast From The Past
In the midst of the runaway success of Pokemon Go, Nintendo recently announced a mini version of the revolutionary Mini NES Classic Edition console releasing this fall. This is really good news, specifically seeing that Nintendo’s shares plummeted after investors realize they don’t actually make Pokemon Go.
Check out some awesome pictures of the new gaming system from Nintendo:
The miniaturized NES fits in the palm of your hand and comes preloaded with 30 of Nintendo’s best-selling games. Featured games include groundbreaking titles such as Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Metroid. The set includes a Mini NES Classic Edition console (preloaded with 30 classic games), a controller, power supply, and an HDMI cable for enhanced quality as well as a simple connection. No more having to fumble around with audio/video cables, let alone having to reach around the back of the TV and have to locate those colored ports. Modern televisions have HDMI ports that are easily accessible.
The NES Classic Edition comes with controller that can connect to the WII Remote and can be used to play Virtual Console games on the WII and WII U. Each of the games included on the console cost $4.99 on the Wii Shop Channel. This means you’re getting $150 worth of games for free when you buy the console. This blast from the past has one drawback that is sure to anger some enthusiasts. Unlike the full-sized papa NES, this console does not have a slot for cartridges so you’re limited to the built-in games. Despite this flaw, the mini NES Classic Edition will still fly of store shelves faster than you can say Donkey Kong. At an affordable price point of $59.99, Nintendo is set to make yet another huge dent on the gaming industry.

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