Home Health 10 Signs a Loved One Has an Addiction Problem

10 Signs a Loved One Has an Addiction Problem

Noticing the signs of addiction in your loved one can help you to get them the help they need. If they are suffering, then it is up to you to be their voice and bring into light that there might be a problem with their use of drugs or alcohol. 

You may notice that they seem withdrawn from family gatherings, have trouble concentrating on tasks, hang out with friends more often than usual, use substances daily instead of occasionally, lie about their drug or alcohol intake or blame others for negative consequences caused by substance abuse.

There are many ways you can tell if someone is struggling with addiction so here are ten signs of drug addiction in your loved ones:

1) Sudden mood changes 

People who develop depression because of drug addiction will often have mood swings, at times being amicable and conversational and at others times being withdrawn or short-tempered.

2) Loss of interest in day-to-day activities

Your loved one may start to neglect their daily tasks such as taking a shower, doing the laundry, going to work on time and cooking meals. This happens because they are interested in spending more of their time getting high or drinking. They become careless with chores that were once important to them.

3) Withdrawn from family gatherings

If you notice your loved one avoiding events such as Thanksgiving dinner or even birthdays, there’s reason to believe they might be struggling with substance abuse.  They may not feel like seeing other people, which causes them to miss events that would have otherwise been important to them.

4) Health complaints

People who are into substance abuse will often complain of headaches, stomach aches and nausea as a result of the drugs they consume. They may also start complaining about chest pains or heart palpitations if they smoke too many cigarettes.

5) Trouble concentrating on tasks

This is especially true for those with anxiety disorders. While you loved one might be able to focus on activities like watching television or reading a book, their ability to concentrate on more difficult tasks such as assignments and work-related projects is severely diminished. This makes it harder for them to maintain employment or even keep up with household chores or errands.

6) Forgetfulness

People who are abusing substances will often forget things like where they put their car keys or what they were supposed to do when they get home. This is because the mind becomes so much focused on getting high that it can’t remember simple details. According to the Department of Psychology, Texas A&M University, drugs have been associated with cognitive deficits.

7) Loss of appetite

If your loved one isn’t eating, there’s a good chance that drugs and alcohol might be taking over their life. When you’re intoxicated, your body doesn’t need food in order for you to survive; therefore, if your loved one is neglecting meals then chances are there’s something wrong with their health. You may notice them becoming pale and weak because of this loss of appetite—not to mention hungry.

8) Lying about intake

If your loved one seems to be lying or covering up where they were instead of coming straight home, then it’s time to start about drug use. They may also neglect to tell you when they use drugs and will often turn down your offer of going out for drinks or dinner.

9) Negative consequences

There are many negative consequences that come along with substance abuse, some of which can be seriously debilitating. Some common side effects of addiction include overdose, malnutrition, blackouts and legal problems.

10) Troubling emotional changes

People who are struggling with addiction will often have difficulty controlling their emotions. They feel insecure because they haven’t forgiven themselves for falling into the habit of substance abuse. These types of emotional changes can be very frustrating for your loved one and lead to destructive behavior.

You may notice these signs in your friend, spouse or family member. It’s possible they’ve developed an addiction to drugs or alcohol due to psychological issues, so it’s important that you take them seriously when they tell you about their struggles with addiction. You might want to consider treatment options that will help facilitate their recovery process.

Treatment Options for Addiction Problems

If you’ve noticed these changes in your loved one, it’s likely that substance abuse is taking their life over. That being said, it’s important to find treatment options that will help facilitate the recovery process and provide them with the care they need. 

You may wish to consider working with a professional who has experience dealing with addiction treatment, as they will be able to help ease your loved one’s transition back into a drug-free lifestyle.

When it comes to addiction recovery, the first step is admitting you have a problem with drugs or alcohol and recognizing your need for outside help. You can’t overcome this type of disease alone; rather, you’ll need the support of close friends and family members as well as a treatment center that specializes in caring for those who are struggling with substance abuse. 

Before you can begin treatment, your loved one will need to be assessed by a professional who has experience dealing with addiction. After they’ve been able to determine how much of a problem the patient is having, they’ll recommend either an outpatient program or an inpatient treatment center. In many instances, intensive therapy and detoxification processes are required if your loved one is a severe addict.

One-on-one support can be helpful for those who are struggling with drugs or alcohol, according to The Lakehouse drug and alcohol treatment center. This type of addiction treatment focuses on the individual needs of each patient, which makes it easy to develop techniques that will help them during the recovery process. 

If you’ve noticed these signs in your loved one, it’s time to take them seriously and help them begin their recovery process today. Addiction has become a very serious issue, with many people succumbing to the pressure of substances every day. Don’t let addiction destroy another life; rather, find treatment as soon as possible.

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